I’m writing this now out of pure dedication to my writing commitment. Was woken up by 3 kisses and 1 “I love you, Mommy” so I can’t really complain about the fever and general sense of paralysis all over my body. First time it’s happened to me this sickly sickly winter. Tomorrow it’s supposed to jump up to 20C. In honor of my dear friend’s 40th birthday and a brunch that I will have to miss.

I read some interesting blogs today on gatekeeper moms and thoroughly agree with the advise. Back when my husband told me that he’s not the stay-at-home type, I should have said “me too.” Then the childbearing decision would have probably gone differently but we may have reached more balance. Instead, like many women, I was working full time but thought I could manage it all. Now I call myself the “accidental full-time mom.” Where was all this advice then?

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